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Me in the library
As you may have gathered from my weblog title, I am currently working and studying in the library profession. By the end of 2011, I will be a qualified Librarian. For my study purposes, I had to create a web presence that reflects my interests. I am passionate about libraries. In saying that, there are so many avenues to take in the library profession, it is hard to tell where I might end-up one day. However, one thing is for sure, I will be working in a library (somewhere). I love libraries and the diversity. For me, it is very important to satisfy peoples’ information and technology needs.

My fear and optimism

My greatest fear is that libraries might disappear in the future because of new technologies. People might not visit libraries and just become reliant on their home PC. I argue that libraries are still our first point of ‘real’ information. People should share their technology and information skills with others. Why not make the library the ultimate social meeting place, where everybody can share different ideas and activities? I am a strong believer of Web 2.0 technologies in all libraries.

Aim of Web presence

The aim of my Web presence is to emphasise the importance of Web 2.0 technologies in libraries. I will be focusing on some of the main Web 2.0 tools that can be used in libraries and how Librarians and Managers can apply these tools to create a more social and interactive library environment. The Web 2.0 tools that will be discussed include: Blogs, Wikis, Twitter, RSS feeds, Delicious, LibraryThing, Flickr, YouTube and other social networking tools.  This blog will also provide a glimpse into my favourite library images, books and other resources.


It should be noted that this blog began in December 2010 for the purpose of my studies. I have been blogging since October 2010. All the information and personal images in this blog are subject to copyright. The clip art employed in this blog are royalty free. Credit to Flickr, Twitter, LibraryThing, Delicious and Michael Parkinson.